Skills Competition

Fastest Skater:  
Skaters will line up at the Red Line and make one complete lap, counter clockwise around the 4 pylons and two nets.
The Top 4 fastest times will compete in the 2nd Round.
The Top 2 fastest times from the 2nd Round will advance to the Final Round.
The fastest time of the “Final Round” will be deemed the winner!

Hardest Shot:  
Each skater will be given 3 “registered” shots from the established distance.
The Top 4 individuals to post the fastest speed will advance to the 2nd Round.
Two more “registered” shots will be performed in the 2nd Round and the Top 2
fastest shots (from either the first or second round) will advance to the Final
Round. Each skater will be given one, “registered” shot in the Final Round
The fastest shot from “any” round will be deemed winner!

Goaltender Challenge:
Goaltenders will be challenged to shoot into an open net from both blue lines and far goal line.
(Goaltenders must use goal stick, blocker and catching glove while competing)
Each goaltender will be given 3 shots from the offensive blue line; defensive blue line; and defensive goal line.  Points will be awarded for each puck that fully crosses the goal line and enters the net.
Offensive Blue Line: 2 points per puck
Defensive Blue Line: 5 points per puck
Defensive Goal Line: 10 points per puck
The Goaltender with the most points will be deemed the winner!